Painting LAB Sessions

Do you love painting and want to learn new techniques, experiment with different materials, and express yourself through art?

Then you will love Painting LAB Sessions, creative painting workshops for Adults (and kids from 10-12 years old) where you can discover your artistic potential and have fun with other painters and art lovers.

Want to know more?
Read on to find out how the workshops are run, why you should choose Painting LAB Sessions, and how to book your spot today!

Painting LAB Sessions : Discover your artistic potential and have fun with creative painting workshops!

Do you love painting and want to learn new techniques, experiment with different materials, and express yourself through art? Then you will love Painting LAB Sessions, a series of creative painting workshops where you can unleash your creativity and have fun with other painters and art lovers.

Painting LAB is the brainchild of NiQo, an enthusiast abstract painter who creates thick, colorful paintings that evoke different emotions in each viewer. In his Sessions, he invites you to discover your artistic potential and to share a moment of creation with other people who share your interest in art.

Painting LAB Sessions are open to adults and children from 10-12 years old of all levels. No knowledge of painting is required. You only need to bring your curiosity and enthusiasm.

What you will get from a Painting LAB Session :

  • A session of 3 hours where you can escape from the daily routine and dedicate yourself to (or discover your new) your passion
  • A chance to observe the environment, analyze existing works, understand key markers, and build confidence
  • A palette of vibrant colors and a blank canvas to express (or rediscover) your creativity
  • A guidance from NiQo, who will help you create your own composition, choose your colors, and paint your work
  • A unique painting that you can take home at the end of the workshop (or later depending on drying needs)

Painting LAB Sessions take place at the NiQo Arts Studio in Dübendorf. You can choose from a variety of dates and themes that we offer throughout the year.

Don’t miss this opportunity to explore your artistic potential and have fun with creative painting workshops. Join us and discover the joy of painting!

The registration fee is CHF 100 per person per session, including materials. Registration is open for a maximum of 6 places per workshop. Sessions are mainly in French, with the possibility to welcome English and German-Speaking people.

Fidelity offer and On Demand

For more info, please click on pictures.

List of Upcoming Sessions

For more info, please click on pictures.

Photos of Previous Workshops

5 thoughts on “Painting LAB Sessions

  1. These workshops are a real opportunity for me to get away from it all and be able to express your creativity while being a novice in painting. A real opportunity to have a good time with art lovers and artists like niqo who always has great advice.

  2. I participate to these workshop once a month and I truly appreciate this time spent on creativity, thinking of nothing but colours, brushes. It empties your mind and have positive effect on your mood! Nico is always there to guide, without imposing, giving new ideas when needed, in a very subtle and non invasive way. This is « his touch ». Time goes really fast during these workshops where you also connect with great people, listen to music, eat a piece of cake… enjoying this me-moment. I can only recommend it. My 14yo daughter also joins from time to time and she loves it as well. Just give it a try! No talent is necessary: acryl painting allows everything, there is no error. Trust Nico

  3. Very often we do not know how creative we are and what creativity can bring in our life. The Niqo’s atelier is a bubble of oxygen for the brain. With the palette of colors and Niqo’s guidance you will discover the talent hidden in you. Do not hesitate any longer…

  4. J’ai eu l’occasion de faire un atelier avec Niqo. C’était la premiere fois que je faisais un tableau avec de la peinture acrylique. Ce fut un veritable moment de bonheur. Niqo nous aide à nous lancer, donne plein de conseils et nous guide pas à pas. L’ambiance est bienveillante et c’est un moment ou l on déconnecte complètement . Ca fait un bien fou! On ne voit pas le temps passer. C’est également l’occasion de rencontrer d’autres artistes et de faire de belles rencontres. Niqo est une personne généreuse qui sait créer une atmosphère apaisante , calme ou chacun se sent bien. Alors n’hésitez plus! Merci Niqo!

  5. Quelle formidable parenthèse enchantée que furent ces 3h de peinture avec Niqo ! Je suis arrivée avec quelques doutes et 3h plus tard, je repartais avec mon chef-d‘œuvre sous les bras. Les prodigieux conseils de Niqo m’ont permis de rattraper quelques coups de pinceau qui, de mon point de vue étaient complètement ratés. Mais avec Niqo, on ne rate rien, on n’a que des opportunités pour créer. Merci infiniment pour ton accompagnement et à très bientôt.

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