Car-Hibou is now a MONTHLY event that takes place here, at NiQo’s Studio and Gallery ! Let’s meet to get to know each other’s and chat about a book and eat some sweeties !
Continue reading Car-Hibou – Reading ClubCar-Hibou is now a MONTHLY event that takes place here, at NiQo’s Studio and Gallery ! Let’s meet to get to know each other’s and chat about a book and eat some sweeties !
Continue reading Car-Hibou – Reading ClubCar-Hibou is organizing its first book club evenings and one of these evenings takes place here, at NiQo’s Studio and Gallery ! Let’s meet to get to know each other’s and chat about a book and eat some sweeties !
Continue reading Car-Hibou (French) ClubStarting this Friday, Brio’Chou will be at NiQo KunstAtelier every two weeks !
Continue reading Pop-Up Brio’ChouI will be pleased to meet you at the Opening Coffee in my brand new Gallery in Dübendorf, Switzerland (see map)
Continue reading Opening Coffee